Leviticus 4 - 5 Atone Sins & Speak up for injustice

I want to use a different approach on recording my thoughts on Leviticus. I will just write down what I learn or observe for each chapter as it is a book more of rituals than stories. 

Leviticus 4 

This part of the book talks about sins and the way to atone them. And it begs the question of what sin is?
I look at humans have conditions that are likely to make mistakes and fails. And this flaw and imperfection are what so called original sin. But the sins in this chapter means violating the directives instructed by God. And God showed them the ways how to make amends of the mistakes they have committed through rituals done by the designated priests. Even though I am not fond of animal sacrifice as an animal lover and a pescatarian, I can understand the reasons behind the primitive rituals. 
I have observed that whenever there are any kinds of offerings, they are to make the pleasant aroma which symbolizes the state of the relationship between God and His people.  

Leviticus 5 

As the verse 5 says, "When anyone sins by hearing a public call to testify about a matter he has seen or knows something about, yet he does not speak up, then he is considered guilty and must be punished" Not speaking up for injustice is equally guilty as the offender. Yet we tend to do that due to  being afraid of bringing ourselves troubles, being lazy or other reasons. As I listened to the song, Instead of A Show by Jon Foreman, I felt greatly saddened by how people have built churches.  They care so much about institutions, facilities, the size of "the audience", mediocre and pointless activities instead of doing what God truly cares. People are hurting everywhere even within the churches! But all we care is that we score for making converts. 

Besides, I also observed that in the law system created by God, even if wrongdoings were done unintentionally, there would be consequences. Yet God knew that people were prone to go astray, He planned ways according to everyone's financial capacity to make amends of their guilt. 


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