Love deeply

I love you, I love you
Words that I can never say to you
So I turn them into my prayers for you
Not to seek something out of you
But wish the best for you
Thank you for teaching me to love beyond race and barrier

I love you, I love you
It just makes me smile when I look at your photos 
It is more than just a fantasy and imagination
I love you, I love you
Even if you snore, have bad breath and a bald head
Thank you for making me feel less alone in this lonely world

I love you, I love you
I thought my dream was travelling to Latin America and Spain conversing in Spanish
But now my biggest dream is to go out on a date with you
I love you, I love you
Even though I don't really know you in person
And that you repetitively told me that I was not your type and all the obstacles 
for you are a practical person
I love who you are and your soul
And I want to love deeply and unselfishly
I want you to be happy 
Even if you don't like me back

I love you, I love you
These are the words that I can never tell you
But I will turn them into my prayers
I want to cherish and enjoy each conversation with you in the present moment
Thank you for your existence 
You'll never know how much you mean to me 

I love you, I love you
But I shall not control anything unknown 
I will let go and just love 
I will no longer fear for losing you 
I pray to God to remove anything that is of limerence and let the true thing remain
I love you, I love you
But I shall never chase what is not mine
I shall never fly across the globe for someone else again 
I want that person to come to me whether that is you or not
I deserve someone who loves me for who I am and will fight for me

I love you, I love you
Words that I can never tell you
until love so desires
Before that I will just love deeply 


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