I thought I had a type

Sorry I didn't mean to have all these feeling
I wish I could look at you differently like a brother or friend
I can't stop liking you despite I know that you are not mine

I used to think that I had a type 
I only wanted to date certain look or race
I didn't mean to look for anyone from that group 
It just happened
I have no words to describe or explain how it happened

I thought you liked me too as we enjoy having conversation with each other
I have felt the closeness through sharing details and secrets with each other
I felt so hurt that you told me that you did not like me because of my race 
I felt so hurt that you continued to tell me that I was not your type

You are not my type, either. 
But it still happened. 
Why can't you look beyond the form and limitation?
Why can't you be brave and fight for your life instead of letting circumstances to rule you?

I have decided to accept whatever is gonna happen 
Even if it still pains me greatly thinking of what is to come
Why do girls always have to be the ones that care so much more like the movie, One Day
I told myself repetitively not to let my fantasy and expectation run wild imagining that there would be one day 

I don't call it love 
Because it takes two to love
But I will always like you
Even if you do not know that 



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