Love is patient

Everything has a purpose
The pain and despair that I have been feeling has a purpose

I cried and wailed asking God why I must go through this in order to learn to love myself and love Him. 
Afterwards, I felt this peace that I had never felt before. 
That peace reminds me not to control of anything but to trust. 
Trust not that things will go as how I want them to go but rather how I need

I am grateful to have met him
I am grateful for the heartache and pain that I have experienced 
For it wasn't him who gave me the pain 
But through him, something triggered the wounds that have always been deep inside of me

I accept and surrender that I do not know what's gonna happen. 
I really love talking to him. 
Shouldn't I focus on doing that in the presence?
Talk as much as I can 
And cherish each conversation we share

Love deeply 
There is no fear in love 
and love drives out fear
Love is patient and patience is surrender to the present moment
Love is not self-seeking. 
I love deeply but I don't need to own anyone to seek approval and love. 





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