Leviticus 13-16 Being cleansed and set free

It has been a great struggle reading through these chapters as usual. Being unable to observe anything really makes me want to cry and reading the rituals makes me drowsy as well. However, this all experience is just like my struggle in real life with working on my portfolio which is painstakingly slow with lots of details. And it doesn't seem to end ever. 

So the priest has to burn the garment-whether it is made of wool, linen or leather-because it has some serious outbreak like leprosy and must be destroyed by fire. (Leviticus 13:52)

This reminds me not only on any diseases but to prevent bad things or habits from destroying or influencing our lives. It must be destroyed and burned. In another sense, we must go through challenges in order to be set free. 

Along with the grain offering on the altar. This is how the priest will cover the sin, guilt and uncleanness of the person seeking to be cleansed; this person must be considered clean once again (Leviticus 14:20)

When you go into the land of Canaan-the land which I am giving you as your own-and I contaminate or infect one of the houses in your land. the owner of the house must go inform the priest "I have just noticed a spot in my house." to remove all the contents from the house before he comes to examine the spot. This saves the person from possibly having everything in the house declared unclean. After this is done, the priest can go inside and inspect the spot. (Leviticus 14:34-36)

These two verses share the same principle as the one in chapter 14. The main message is that God calls us to live a life of freedom and abundance. He wants to cleanse us of our "sins" and "sickness". 

He will set the living bird free over a wide, open field outside the camp. In this way, the priest will cover over the impurity of the house, and  the house will be declared clean. (Leviticus 14:53)

This symbolizes that our "sins" being covered and we are set free and no longer live in burden. 

Chapter 15 is talking about under which condition that Israelites were considered unclean or impure. I believe back then without sanitary products, it was a necessary procedure for men and women to be in quarantine or away from community in those circumstances. 

Aaron will place both his hands on the goat's head and confess aloud over it all the guilt, rebellion, and wrongdoings of the people of Israel. In this way, he will transfer the sins of the people onto the goat's head; then another man who has been selected for this special task will drive the goat into the wilderness. When the man released the goat into the desert, it will carry all the offenses of God's people away into the desolate wastelands. (Leviticus 16:21-22)

This is the foretelling of how Jesus carried the sins of people and died on the cross willingly, so we can be set free. 


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