
You are absoulte Freedom. I am Absolute Love.
Love has decided to let go of freedom.
Even though I once read: 
"Love is nothing without Freedom and Freedom is nowhere without Love."
I once believed maybe we could be.
But I can't make you see me.
I can't make you love me.
I can't not be me.

I really had no intention of letting you in, if you didn't eagerly knocking on my door and persuaded me with your sweet words like finding a rare treasure.
At one point you were even afraid of losing me.
Little did I know, you went around the town knocking from door to door as you pleased.
I have to shut the door as you came in and asked for the warmth of a lover but paid with a price of a friend.
You never intended to stay. 

Once I chose to love you against all odds,
even though it cut me into pieces.
The pain haunted me in my sleep.
If I could choose this time
I choose to set you free
Let Freedom be Freedom
And Love will be me

It is better to be a stranger
than more than a friend but never a lover.
It is better to be a stranger,
for there is no expectation 
and there won't be disappointment
My heart would have still belonged to me.

I can't be your friend
You can't be my lover
Strangers are what we will be

I didn't just fall for you again like you said
I have always loved you
And always will be
You will always have your freedom
And I will be Love that is always in me.
The most loving thing I can do is to love you from afar. 


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