Live Without

Of all the elements, what can one live without? 
Here is the order of elements, from what will impact us the most immediately to least urgent, when one of the them is absent : 
Air > Water > Earth > Fire 

Air: We die if we can't breathe air within three minutes. 
Water: We can only survive without water for three days. 
Earth: Earth grows food. Without food, we can only survive for a week. And earth is the ground we stand upon. 
Fire: Fire is the least needed element. We can live on raw food and water alone. However, life would seem to miss some sparks or flavors. Fire is the driving force and passion that ignites life. 

The order of the elements, from most to least, on my astrology chart is: Water > Fire > Earth > Air 

The element of air is zero. It makes me wonder what that signifies if the element is absent in me esoterically, if the air is so important for a living being. It reflects on my struggle with the suffocation and stagnancy I encounter in my life.

There is also barely any earth in me either. I tend to fantasize and escape from the reality instead of standing firmly on the ground. "Being down to earth" has never been so needed before. Pragmatism, self-discipline and consistency can benefit me greatly. 

I do have a bit of fire in me, and which I see correlates with my creative cognitive function, Ne. It helps me to create and enable me to realize my passions and dreams. However, the fire is rather small, so I have to cultivate it and learn to use it to help me to expand and grow. 

I am full of water. I see it as the sensitivity and emotions in me. It correlates with Fi. It gives me inspiration and leads me to significance. However, it can also make me drown in the melancholy, if I indulge and absorb in the sentimental for too long. 
I can easily lose sight of what I already have and longs for what I don't and lament what slipped away.

Despite having an order of the elements, none of them is insignificant. Otherwise,  it is like saying because eyes are important, I no longer need a mouth. Every tiny cell in our bodies has a task and meaning just like how each person on earth has a story. 

Our ego and the delusion of taking what matters less as extraordinary blind our eyes to see the intrinsic value in us. We compare our bodies, salaries, faces, statuses endlessly. We measure our significance using another person as standard. But when are we going to truly embrace and accept all of us and live with our own compass that guides us on our unique path. When will we truly love ourselves? 

When will I truly love myself? It is my life. I am on the driver's seat. I am the main character of this game. I am responsible for it. I can get by and just go through life like the servant in the bible who dug the hole and hid the silver or I can invest it even if I end it losing it all. But there is no real losing because possession isn't what is significant, but what is within us.  


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