Genesis 29-31 You must now go

Frankly, Jacob is one of the characters in the bible that is very hard to like. He is a major trickster and that trait runs in his family. His mother helped him to trick her own son, his twin brother by lying to her husband, his father for blessing. As much as I don't like this family, but isn't it just like any other dysfunctional family nowadays?

He deceived his own father and brother and became a exiled deceiver. Then, this time he got to taste his own medicine by being deceived to being married to a wrong daughter of Laban. And he kept on being deceived for overworking with little payments even after being married with Rachel. So clearly, this thing either called karma or consequence is real. Ergo, being honest and having integrity is always the best policy.

Further more, it's hard not to notice that some members of the families recorded in Genesis since the beginning all eventually fell out and needed to part way. It is normal for people to want to have good and close relationships with one's own family. But somehow things don't always work out that way. Whether due to each person's characteristics or personality, some people just don't get along. I have learned from story after story that it is okay to part ways. It is best to set boundary, which is called covenant or treaty in the bible, with family members that you don't really get along with. No one knows for sure how the relationship will become eventually, but all we can do is to let God guide us along the way. Some might reconcile with each other while others might never see eye to eye to one another.

We all need to move on and create our own life. We can't let the bad relationship drain and strain us at the same place. Many people become codependent and wouldn't let go of a person out of guilt and is afraid of conflict and the breaking of a relationship especially when it comes to family members despite being abused and manipulated by them for so long. But God says : You must now go and I will be with you always.


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