Exodus 13-15 Marching on

I have fallen again into this loop of trying to figure out if the story actually took place and if God actually killed these people. I totally forgot to just find morals and principles to learn from the story. I don't believe in a cruel God. I still have lots of questions and find it hard to connect Jesus to God of the old testament. Because He seemed powerful and saved His people yet was ruthless toward His other creations. The best way for me to get of this dilemma is to accept that the "people" or "enemy" that killed by God or ordered to killed by God symbolize difficulty, hardships and challenges in our lives. And God is always there guiding us and ready to come to our rescue to bring us back to the "promised land".

I have noticed that yeast was directed by God not to be consumed and ordered not to keep any bread with yeast around. For what I know yeast is supposed to be very healthy. I don't understand the reason behind not eating it. But it was also written that it was a law to follow only for those seven days. Maybe they were able to eat bread of yeast the rest of the time?

The sacrifice of lamb foretold what was to come for Jesus who was to be murdered and to redeem everyone.

These chapters are about the journey God led Israel out of the pursuit of Egyptians. God directed them not on the nearest and easiest route, but rather a longer route. For He was working on their hearts knowing that they were still confused and was not entirely sure what was to come. It was easy for them to wish they were in Egypt instead. Sometimes things seem to take detour after detour in our lives. We might not see if we would ever reach our goals or destinations. But every detour has a lesson and purpose behind it. Even though we might not understand at the time.

The sccene of Israelites wandering around in circles and the desert has closed them in on all sides is really the epitome of my life. For I am still trying to find my way out and feel that there is nothing but desert with no one to reach out to but God.

Israelites' cries and attitudes remind me of my own doubts about leaving my last job without planning well what was to come afterwards. I know it was for sure not a job I should stay for any longer for the reason of lacking credentials and passion from myself. We tend to doubt the decision we make. It seems easier to stay in the same old environment whether it is good or bad for us. Just like the Israelites who would rather be slaves than taking the risks to be free. Our faith start to falter when hardships come.

The most iconic miracle of all in Exodus must be the one performed through Moses by God when he parted the Red Sea leading the Israelites walk across it. For what I know it is a real natural phenomenon as I have been to a place where the sea parts and closes at certain hours of a day.

God's act of swiping the Egyptians into the sea symbolizes that when God comes to our rescue and things start to turn right, all the hardships and turmoils will wiped out and left behind and we start to feel in awe to God and have deeper faith in Him.

Getting out of Egypt is just the beginning of the whole journey because after escaping the pursuit of Egyptians, God soon led them into the desert and tests were waiting for them ahead. But God also promised them that He would guide them and be their Healer if they listened to His voice and followed Him.

Personally, I have been plagued by insomnia for awhile and medications weren't really helping at all. I am really at the end of my wits. I really don't want to take any more medications other than the antidepressants that I've been taking everyday for years. Not being able to sleep really frustrates me and it's been hard for me to focus for too long because of fatigue. My brain doesn't seem to know how to shut off after years of abuse by staying up late. Life has already been difficult enough without insomnia and now it's only getting harder. But all I can is to trust God to be my Healer to restore my body and to swipe the insomnia into the sea like He did to the Egyptians.


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