An Off Topic from Genesis

The first thing I have observed from last chapters was the number one-fifth, when Joseph told the Egyptians who had sold their lands and themselves as slaves to give one-fifth of what they produce to Pharaoh. It is no coincidence for the same proportional number to appear again. I will keep that in mind and to save one-fifth of what I earn in the future as emergency funds which can't be used absolutely except for real need at hand. Then, it begs the question of what about the other four-fifth?

I will divide them into other four categories. The common expense in our life are usually categorized into Food, Living(rent or loan), Transportation and Miscellaneous (which includes clothing, entertainment, educational fee, medical expense, etc). But as I am still in debt, I will need to use a different approach. I will set first one as Fixed Necessity (including food, rent, transportation, medical expense and electricity bill), Miscellaneous Expense (it varies from toilet paper, food for the pets, clothes, entertainment, educational fee), Funds for Debt (To save up for paying the debt will be the priority now instead of Medical funds for a crooked tooth and tooth implant which I have had wanted to have ages ago, once the debt is paid, this will be replaced as priority). Last but not the least, is the Dream Funds (To be honest, I don't dare to dream as big with the state that I am in. But I've always wanted to study abroad, to get a master degree or something. Maybe just as simple as get a proper digital piano. I really don't know how my life would turn out to be at this point. I am being flexible and letting go of preexisted ideals. But I still insist to set a category for my dreams as I am an INFP dreamer. Life would be meaningless without a dream to be aspired. I just need to be more down to earth with putting my dreams into action.)

So, the list of categories for my finance will be

1. Fixed Necessity Funds
2. Miscellaneous Expense Funds
3. Funds for Debt (Medical Funds for tooth once debt being paid)
4. Dream Funds
5. Emergency Funds

I pray that God will guide me in obtaining a job or two and grant me wisdom with managing my finance 


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