Exodus 19-20 Follow Me

One day God decided to speak to the people of Israel directly and told them about the rules to follow. I got lost easily among the words of the rules set by God and I failed to grasp the essential message out of these chapters. I didn't know what else to do so I just kept on reading. Then, today I have decided that I have to deal with it head-on instead of drifting further away. All in all, it is a story about God setting up guidelines for the people that He had rescued from Egypt and He wanted them to follow Him through these rules while being wandering in the wilderness.

To think about it, what a privilege to be spoken to by God directly! I cannot imagine what it was like. It was described as a scary scene with no shortage of natural phenomenons. The people must have been panicked over being in a middle of nowhere and then having to meet God. Maybe that's why God doesn't do it that way much anymore. Even though I am not even sure it actually happened.

I felt repulsed when I read the ten commandments for the first time after deconstructing my faith. But after days of setting the task aside,  I have decided to look for the truth behind all these rules.

God is the ultimate truth. Everything else is inferior under the truth of God. It is silly to pursue after something that is less than the real deal. Thus, it makes sense not to serve any other gods as well as not to make any idol or image of other gods. And choosing to do things that is not of truth brings consequences and the consequences will continue through generations.

I don't find saying "Oh my God" is that big of a deal anymore. As God is a pronoun we humans give Him. But I Am is I Am. God's real name can't be named. "Oh my God" is usually expressed when one person is surprised or shocked. It is just an expression we often use colloquially.  I still feel bothered if people say "Jesus Christ" or "Oh my fucking God", but I don't believe that these people are sinning for saying these words. It's just that if you revere and respect someone, you wouldn't want to hear their name being said as an expression for negative things. I don't think using God's pronounce or name as a way of expression is that terrible. It is just personal colloquially preference. The thing that is way worse than saying these phrases is doing harmful things in God's name for their personal gain. To me that is to use God's name for idle purposes.

The Sabbath Day rule is God's reminder to us that rest is also essential in life.  In these days, there are way too many people who are workaholic. It is important to have balance in life.

And all the rest of the rules pretty much align to the morals and laws of modern day. I don't think honoring your father and mother necessarily make you and your children to live long and well. Because there have been way too many good people that died of illnesses and from accidents and some were even Christians. This rule is likely to make God a liar if you read it literally. But here the "promised land" is not an actual place but the state within our hearts and souls. So God is absolutely right that if we have great relationships with our parents, that we will enter this "promised land".


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