Exodus 16-18 Struggling

These chapters are mainly about the Israelites' constant struggle being in the desert. They lost their faith easily, yet God again and again reminded them that He was their provider. This reminds me that God has provided what I need through my family as well. Even though it's been nerve-wrecking each time money is running out. And I am not sure how long I will get out of this state.

The Israelites' constant complaining and desire of getting out of the moment of torture reminds myself of my own impatience. I also constantly only want to get to the next moment and avoid discomfort. But the discomfort of the moment is a necessary lesson to learn. The constant need for looking for the next thing keep us from living in the moment which is the only thing that is real.

I also observed that Moses was a man that liked to do things on his own carrying all the burden. But his father-in-law pointed out that the task would only wear Moses down sooner or later. So he suggested him to choose those who were honest and righteous to be in charge of the minor disputes between people.

I can totally understand the way how Moses did things. He didn't like to bother others and preferred to carry the weight by himself. He never really knew how to work with others but fortunately, his father-in-law saw that and taught him how to manage people of Israel.


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