
Standing here alone looking from the outside
Seeing brides and grooms pair by pair
I am not feeling sad nor jealousy but relief
to learn that I do not need to play by the same rule
I have come to acceptance of the state that I am
For everyone's got their own story and difficulty

For the first time I no longer crave for fantasy
I want to live for real in this reality
I will feel if overwhelming waves come crashing over me
Obsession comes and goes and it is just mind's tricky game.

I'm sorry, body,  for mistreating you for so long
That I abused you because of the empty hole inside of me
But from now on let me take care of you
And let me wrap around you and feel the pain together

Body, I will learn to trust your guidance and rest when I need it
For you are the temple of my soul
I have faith in you and trust you that you will restore it on your own pace
All I need to do is to nurture you and wait patiently with you


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