If only

I find myself preferring quietness as music these days
If only I could shut down the noise in my head
I am hearing the song yet not listening to it
Where are the days that I spent dreaming?

I hope I haven't been gone for too long
I want to live all over again
To feel the wind brush through my face
To lie down on the grass to observe the clouds again
I want to feel again the sheer joy of listening to
the strings of bass and guitar intertwining in harmony

It is easier to let go of yesterday
When all I feel is today's sorrow
If only I wouldn't get lost in tomorrow
I am seeing words but not reading them
Where are the lights that were guiding me through darkness?

I hope it's not too late to embrace the intrinsic me
I want to live authentically without regrets
To be in the moment of now connecting to the world
from the inside out.
To learn that I don't need to find something to fill the emptiness
I want to seize and hold onto that tiny little silver lining among the chaos

It is easier to take one step at a time and not looking back
To feel the shame of yesterday's folly I committed
I will feel it and leave it behind again and again
If only that pain would fade as time goes by
If only...


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