
I have never thought that I would have liked the book, Deuteronomy. Before reading it, I assumed that this would have been a book full of rules just like Leviticus and Numbers. But instead, it was Moses and God's narrating from how God had been leading Israel out of Egypt, their experience and incidents in the desert to the place right before entering the promised land. 

This book is parallel to the situation in my life that I am going right at the gate of my promised land in life. From the beginning, God told the Israel that they'd stayed long enough at this mountain and it was time to break camp, and head up to the area outside of the land that God was going to give them. God is telling me through the verse that I have been staying in this same "place" long enough and it is time for me to pick myself up and head to the next step. 

"Indeed, what other nation is so great that it has a god that compares to the Eternal our God as He is near to us whenever we call on Him?" 4:7 
"If every part of you is invested in the search, heart and soul, then you'll find Him." 4:29

It reminds me that our God is very different from the gods of other religions. He is a personal one and we can call on Him whenever and wherever. Because He lives right in us. 

"Remember how the Eternal, your True God, led you through the wilderness these past 40 years. He did this to humble you, to test you, to uncover your motivations, to see if you would obey His commands" 8:2

This makes me understand and accept that why I have been taking all these years off wandering in the "desert" of my life. I got rid of many possessions and I got no job, no money and no friends. I have stripped myself off all the external things wanting to search for something meaningful and direction. God indeed has changed my heart from having too much attachment to possessions to knowing what truly matters in life. 

"He did this because He wanted you to understand that what makes you truly alive is not the bread you eat but following every word that comes from the mouth of the Eternal One." 8:3
"I want you to know in your hearts that the Eternal your God has has been training you just as a parent trains a child." 8:5 

Even though I have been mostly alone by myself but God has been guiding me with His spirit leading me through different challenges and awakening me with His truth like a parent trains a child. 

The Eternal your God is bringing you into a good land, a land with torrents of rushing water, with springs and underground streams flowing out into the valleys and hills."8:7

I believe that God knows where and what is for me and that He will guide me to the best place. 

"He did all this to humble you and test you, but it was all intended for your good in the end." 8:16

I have understood now that everything happens to me is a lesson in life in order for me to learn and grow. 

"So I want you to know today that it will be the Eternal your God who will go across the Jordan ahead of you." 9:3

This gives me faith knowing that God will guide me in wherever I go. 

"Justice! Justice! That's what you're after. Then you'll keep living in the land He is giving you." 16:20

A very radical and progress message! Yet many Churches and Christians have forgotten, ignored this...

"The king must certainly not send people back to Egypt to get large herds of horses, because the Lord has commanded you, "Don't ever go back that way again!" 17:16

It is tempting to go back to the old way that we are used to especially when it seems that it is overwhelming to deal with things in life at the present moment. We tend to want to go back to the past. But the only way to go is move forward. 

"Listen, Israel! Today you're going to fight a battle against y our enemies. Don't be intimidated by them! Don't be afraid! Don't run away! Don't let them terrify you! The Eternal, your True God, has come out here with you, and He'll fight for you against your enemies and save you." 20:3-4

A encouraging message for me who tends to avoid difficulties and challenges. It teaches me that when I feel overwhelmed and scared, I can look within me and search for God in the present moment and let His stillness and peace to help me through. 


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