Leviticus 20-27 Be in the presence of God

I will summarize the chapters with keywords repeated in each one. 

Chapter 20 talks about rules for sexual relations. We are called to be holy and do what is right concerning to sexual relations. However, I don't see any rules talking about sex before marriage is sinful. It does mention if a man has sexual relations with another man is an detestable act. But just like the rule for having tattoos. I no longer believe that we are to observe literally every rule in the Old Testament. 

Chapter 21: Priests were called to be holy to the point that God ordered them to marry virgins only. This is misogynistic. I really believe this is a man made rule. 

Chapter 22: It's mainly about food offering and some rules regarding what is considered impure.

Chapter 23: It's emphasizing the importance of sabbath and sacred assemblies. I think they signify that we are called to be in fellowship with connection to God and to put aside our works and to be fully present. 

Chapter 24: I struggle with associating the God in the OT with Jesus. Because it is all about an eye for an eye in OT yet Jesus corrected that concept. I am not sure if I should look at God in the OT as the real God anymore but more like the concept of God from people back then.  God ordered the priest to continue burn the lamps in His presence symbolizing that being in the present with God. 

Chapter 25: It's about the rules for jubilee. 
You will always be strangers and outsiders living in My land. So every plot of ground you possess carries a "right of redemption." (Leviticus 25:23-24)
I interpret it as that everything is fleeting. All possessions are temporary. And we are all sojourners on the earth. 

If your fellow citizen becomes poor and cannot take care of  his needs, then you must support him with what you have. Look after him, as you would a stranger or outsider, so he may keep living in your community. (Leviticus 25:35)
We are called to look after the poor and needy. Yet the majority of us have long forgotten about this. We tend to turn a blind eye to our middle class comfort zone. 

Chapter 26: It talks about the consequences of disobeying God's decrees. God continuously pursues relationship with His people and he expects them to follow Him. 

I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be My people. I am the Eternal One, your God, who led you out of the land of Egypt so that you would no longer be their slaves. I have shattered the yokes that broke your backs and helped  you walk straight and upright. (Leviticus 26:12-13)

God is in the present always. There is no time for God. Thus He Himself I Am. If we be in the presence of God, we can be freed from the burden on our backs. Troubles remain but we learn to accept and face them with surrender. 

If they humble their uncircumcised hearts and offer reparations for their sins, then I will remember My covenant with Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham, and I will also remember the land. (Leviticus 26:41-42)
Even though we may face difficulties, troubles or consequences in life, God is always there in the presence waiting for us to approach Him. He is always there to deliver us from our pains, if we open our hearts and surrender to Him. 

Chapter 27: It's about rules for vows and dedication. 


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