Genesis 18-22 What matters the most

There are various stories throughout these chapters but the story of Abraham obeying God to sacrifice Issac speaks to me the most. Children are precious to parents and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for their offspring. However, here God asked Abraham to do such an unthinkable deed of sacrificing the child of Abraham and the very one who was given to him at his old age. We can imagine how precious Issac must have meant for Abraham and yet he obeyed God and was going to give away his son. Issac represents anything that is most valuable and treasured in one's heart. And Abraham thought of nothing else was more important than God. That really showed how deep was Abraham's faith in Him. He knew the priority of things in his life. That's something to take away from this story. To let go of the less and pursue what matters the most to us.

I thought about what I treasured in my life and I thought of my toy collection. I have been very indecisive about keeping or selling it. To be honest, I don't have the faith like Abraham and I am not ready to give it all up. I feel that I need to sell it because it represents the lack of relationships between my family and I and a wonderful world that I can never have. It is something to fill that void of emptiness despite I do love it. I don't have an answer or resolution for the dilemma yet but I am letting God to guide me.

I used to find it totally cruel and ridiculous that God would have asked someone to slaughter his own child. The deed itself is still and always will be barbaric in all circumstances. But I have started to see it from the different angle since I struggled in some difficult situation in my life. I have seen now that there is a faith so deep that one is willingly to do anything what God asks of even if it is sacrificing a child. I pray to have that faith at this time of my life. I need that cliff jumping kind of faith at the end of my wits.  It's like come what may because I trust that God will help me to take care of everything.


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