Genesis 4 : Disidentify

 A murder occurred right after the fall - obtaining the knowledge of right and wrong. (identification with mind) and it showed the impact of being identified with one's minds. Humans no longer lived in the presence of God (the present). Furthermore, all kinds of "sins" (behaviors or thoughts done for escaping the present time and true self with identification of one's mind.) appeared.
Cain became fully identified with his thoughts of jealousy and no longer lived in the present to the point of plotting the murder of his very own brother. However, God did warn and remind him before this tragedy by saying, "Why are you angry, and why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it."

I couldn't really grasp the depth of scriptures before I read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I merely tried to understand the surface meaning. I simply thought God wanted us to fight against "sins" (the deeds). Yet "deeds" are only the manifestation of identification with one's minds. There is NOTHING you can do to remove "sins" simply by correcting behaviors instead of roots. Sin is identification with one's mind and it feeds on one's thoughts. Hence, God wanted Cain to be above it and master it and God's first three questions were good reminders for Cain as well as us to pay close attention to our thoughts and emotions and help us to disconnect from our minds. Sin is lurking at the door yet by focusing on the presence of God (the present), you instantly move away from hell to heaven.

The departure of Cain marked the beginning of humanity's true disconnection from God's presence (the present), whereas Adam and Eve's "fall" was the start of identification with one's mind (sin).
And civilization after civilization has been established based on the identification of mind. A tale of plethora of wars and pain. Yet, from the desperation and despair, rose the search and longing for God and brought about the awakening of humanity.

On a side note, I noticed that there were already other people created besides Adam and Eve from the conversation between God and Cain after his murder of Abel. Otherwise, there was no reason for him to be so fearful of his life being ended by another human. Besides, he married a wife and the wife must have been born from another pair of couple. I never noticed these trivial things as I always thought there were only Adam and Even and people just magically appeared out of nowhere.


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