Genesis 1 : Speak Life

Preface: The other day a scripture just came up in my head and the idea of interpreting it in my way has appeared. I have been having difficulty picking up the  bible again because it has been misused by the fundamentalists for their own agenda and blindly ignored the message of Jesus. So I have decided to read the Bible as just a book and to discover the principles and wisdom from it that I can apply in my life. I don't claim to be an expert nor am I a "Christian" with the fundamentalist definition. I am merely someone who still wants to follow Jesus without all the insanity. 

Genesis 1
This chapter marks the beginning of the world and life. God spoke and created life in this story. Humans longed to know how the world was formed and this is how they could understand the happening like many different legends in different cultures. The world was not necessarily created in just 6 days and it doesn't even need to be in the orders of how each day depicted. The main point is God spoke life and life was created. God creates and humans created in His image are also made to create. Thus all the creation and invention appear incessantly throughout human civilization.  What we can learn from God from this story is to speak life, to speak positive and edifying things that would motivate others or ourselves to create and to transform in life. 


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