Genesis 2 : Created to relate

Genesis 2  

   No one really knows for certain what it was like in the beginning of  time but there were some legends and stories left behind by our forerunners to help us have a glimpse of the past. It is not merely a portrayal of God creating the world but it also reflects the desire and perception of our human minds. No man is an island. A person needs another person whether it is romantic affection, friendly bond or familiar connection. And everyone is worthy to have that "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh'' relationship with someone. Humans were created to relate to one another.

    Besides that, what intrigued me was the "tree of life" and "tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Was it another human expression of longing for an eternal life and the metaphor of inevitable loss of innocence once we grow up? What I know for sure is that God loved what He created, the world, nature, animals and humans and the importance of resting after hard works that He not only rested but blessed that day. It's like He is saying "be blessed on your day of rest." Don't work so hard to the point of not being able to rest or enjoy your life. It is never a waste of time. Rest is for the next journey. 


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