
Showing posts from 2018

Not Going back

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man. " ---Heraclitus I came across this quote from a book I was reading today. It really dawned on me that part of me still held onto my life before moving back here despite it's been 6 or 7 years. I would think about how great it would be if I could go back to this place or that place. And that thought made me happy and sad at the same time because I felt stuck and trapped and unable to get out from here.  I surely was happier being away from here yet I also had moments of struggles wherever I was. It's really not about where I am but how I am. I want to live and be myself regardless my physical location. It surely is difficult to make friends with people here with whom I don't relate to. I am not sure how it would go friendship-wise as I am not really open up yet. But I surely don't want to miss out the present because of the past and the future. ...

Genesis 3 : Don't Engage

Woman has easily become the scapegoat in the story for being enticed and telling Man what to do. I wonder if it was all written just for telling women to be submissive. It is really hard not to take it either completely literally or dismissing it as patriarchy. What I understand is people back then were looking for ways and writing out a story to explain death and hardship. Some of the questions result in this story could be, "Why humans have to die?", "Why can't we live forever?", "Why do we have to work so hard to fill our belly?, "Why we were born naked but have to put on clothes...,etc It seems to be a trend to blame women as the sources of bad things in many if not all cultures. There are bad words created associating with women. It is purely patriarchy and misogyny. People even blamed "snakes" as evil creatures. They made "snake" the evil character just because they looked quirky and different and some people were pro...

Genesis 2 : Created to relate

Genesis 2      No one really knows for certain what it was like in the beginning of  time but there were some legends and stories left behind by our forerunners to help us have a glimpse of the past. It is not merely a portrayal of God creating the world but it also reflects the desire and perception of our human minds. No man is an island. A person needs another person whether it is romantic affection, friendly bond or familiar connection. And everyone is worthy to have that "bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh'' relationship with someone. Humans were created to relate to one another.     Besides that, what intrigued me was the  "tree of life" and  "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" . Was it another human expression of longing for an eternal life and the metaphor of inevitable loss of innocence once we grow up? What I know for sure is that God loved what He created, the world, nature, animals and humans and the importance of ...

Genesis 1 : Speak Life

Preface: The other day a scripture just came up in my head and the idea of interpreting it in my way has appeared. I have been having difficulty picking up the  bible again because it has been misused by the fundamentalists for their own agenda and blindly ignored the message of Jesus. So I have decided to read the Bible as just a book and to discover the principles and wisdom from it that I can apply in my life. I don't claim to be an expert nor am I a "Christian" with the fundamentalist definition. I am merely someone who still wants to follow Jesus without all the insanity.  Genesis 1 This chapter marks the beginning of the world and life. God spoke and created life in this story. Humans longed to know how the world was formed and this is how they could understand the happening like many different legends in different cultures. The world was not necessarily created in just 6 days and it doesn't even need to be in the orders of how...