Genesis 3 : Don't Engage

Woman has easily become the scapegoat in the story for being enticed and telling Man what to do. I wonder if it was all written just for telling women to be submissive. It is really hard not to take it either completely literally or dismissing it as patriarchy. What I understand is people back then were looking for ways and writing out a story to explain death and hardship. Some of the questions result in this story could be, "Why humans have to die?", "Why can't we live forever?", "Why do we have to work so hard to fill our belly?, "Why we were born naked but have to put on clothes...,etc

It seems to be a trend to blame women as the sources of bad things in many if not all cultures. There are bad words created associating with women. It is purely patriarchy and misogyny. People even blamed "snakes" as evil creatures. They made "snake" the evil character just because they looked quirky and different and some people were probably unfortunately killed by the venomous ones. Thus, it makes sense why snake became the evil enticer. 

What can we learn from the story if "The Fall" isn't really the point and that snake enticing woman and woman dictating man are just minor matters? We all long for guidance and a God figure yet we feel so lost in this busy yet lonely world not being able to figure out our many "whys", especially back in the days when many things were still unknown to mankind. Fortunately, Jesus came to the earth and brought the answer to all.

It has been awhile since I wrote my interpretation of Genesis 3. I felt that something was missing when I finished it. I didn't like how I ended it with the Jesus message and it sounded all clichéd. Yet, I did not have any inspiration at all.

Today after having a very bizarre argument on a Facebook thread with someone who kept trying to instill her belief of her own experience into my head, I can't help but think of the story of the snake. Her attempt of persuasion was so much like the snake. 

There are different forms of snakes in life. There is one kind that tries to entice you into doing something and there is another type that would twist everything trying to instill  their beliefs however wrong they are into you and they will still speak as if they were right and you were wrong. 

The best way to deal with such is to completely walk away. Despite how difficult 
it may seem, how much you've been caught up or how much it feels like as if there is a need to engage in the conversation. I can't help but wonder what if Eve walked away and not engaged in the conversation with the snake? And what if Adam didn't take Eve's offer? 

The story didn't end well but we don't have to repeat it. Walk away whenever there is bad vibe or energy going on. Walk away and don't engage, as awkward as it might seem, it is not worth time and energy engaging in things as harmless as just a bite of the fruit of knowledge or an online thread discussion. After all, that fruit turned out to be the poison of life and the discussion only caused argument and produced bad vibe. 

Be wise and choose the things that are worth pursuing! 



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