
 The most important message and verse of this book is Joshua 1:9

"This is My command: be strong and courageous. Never be afraid or discouraged because I am your God, the Eternal One, and I will remain with you wherever you go."

Israelite were just coming out of the wandering and full of fear and doubts of the unknown future.  Sometimes we humans rather stay in situations that are bad for us than change. And God knew exactly how Israelite felt, He made it a command for them to go in courage and faith for He would be with them wherever they go. 

This verse resonates with me in my life as well. As I am at the exit of wandering in my life but I am really scared to take the next step. God's words have given me strength to take a leap of faith. 

A couple of verses that also stood out from the book :

Verse 18:3 "How much more time do you intend to waste before going to claim the land the Eternal God of your ancestors is giving to you?"

God was speaking to me as well about my life situation that I was taking forever for going into the next step and it is time to take action.

Verse 24:7  "You lived in the desert for a long time, wandering in the wilderness." 

This reminds me of my own wandering days. Everything is happening little  by little, even though it's been taking a long time. There have been many sleepless nights, many days of doubts, depression and inertia and even days of sorrow and tears. But I have finished my portfolio and have it all printed out. I have reached the "Joshua" phase of my life. I am right at the exit of desert going into the unknown world. 

Another part of the story that stood out is when Israelite did not do what was instructed by God even if that deed seemed so small. But God calls us for complete obedience and to walk in integrity and righteousness. Sometimes we overlook petty hobbits in our life thinking that it is no big deal. Then everything starts piling up and it eventually cause great harm or trouble to us. Personally, I was so used to stay up late and now I have trouble falling asleep at night night. All because I thought it was okay to do so. And I am having the consequences that is detrimental to my sleep hygiene.

 "So He gave them rest from war on every side as He had sworn to their ancestors; none of their enemies still stood against them, for the Eternal had delivered them all into their hands. Not a single one of all the good promises that He had made to the house of Israel went unfulfilled; all of them came to pass." Verse 21:44-45

Everything is going to be okay. It doesn't necessarily mean things will go our ways. Sometimes great things happen and sometimes terrible things happen. When things are great, they are blessings. When things are bad, they are lessons. But in the end, everything is going to be alright. We shall keep faith and believe that all things will work out for the goodness. 



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