Exodus Road

Silver grass beneath the crescent moon in the blackened canopy
Here I go in the same dark route searching for something unbeknownst to me
With no one but my shadow as a company

Maybe the hole in my chest is not supposed to be filled
And it is okay to feel pain and sorrow

Four years turning into five
I have seen so much when everything is stripped away
walking on the deserted road less traveled
I looked back and ahead trying to find someone but it has always been
me and myself

Maybe I don't need to hold onto something or someone
to keep from drowning in the vast ocean
And it's okay let go of control

I have felt that time for the exit is near
Little did I know it would have had come crashing like a wave swallowing me
Unexpectedly, the calm gradually takes over the panic among the chaos

Maybe freedom can be only found at the moment when no one is to be blamed
And it's okay not to know the answer to every question

Through the desert must I go
Searching for a purpose that I do not know
For the past is nothing but phantom
wandering in the vast blankness
For the future is nothing but illusion
chasing after the wind in sheer darkness

Maybe this is the way I shine
like a flower blossom that has never been discovered
without a care in the world

And now is the time...


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