Crossing the Obstacle

I found myself at the crossroad again deciding what to let go. No, I know exactly what to let go of and it is a question of my willingness. Every decluttering that ever occured since I embarked on this journey of minimalism is like arriving at a milestone.

I usually find myself struggling the most with books. I always have excuses for keeping them all. Yet I know deep down in my heart that it comes from the mindset of scarcity fearing that I would regret that someday I might need them and wouldn't be able to have access to them anymore.

Rationally speaking, it is a mental burden to accumulate stuff that I might or I wish I would do someday even if the someday is say, three months later. But new things might come up three months later. Then, what am I to do with the presumed someday items? They sit there in the dust and quietly remind me of the tasks I haven't done and which brings out all the unnecessary stress.

I can find almost all the books at the library.  And I only need to trust myself and the universe a little bit more. My life was fine before I purchased those books and my life will be fine still without those books sitting in the dusts untouched.

I no longer want to live for "someday". And I want to enjoy and focus on the present moment. Letting go of someday items is indeed a major obstacle I need to cross. I made excuses for myself last time on the same items and now I find myself at the same place again. I cannot run from it anymore.

All in all , I know that when I arrive at the new milestone, I won't just walk away with fewer possessions but will gain the priceless mindfulness of living at the present moment.


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