Where I belong

I opened my eyes looking into the dark
I reached out my hands trying to grasp something in the air
I  looked within creating the dreams imagining what I could be

The imposter enticed to create an image that I believe that I am
"Yeah, I will find you a way of peace and love
as long as you reach your highest dreams.
Here is the list of collection"
I held onto one thing and another
I thought I had found it
I thought I had found who I am
I thought I had found where I belong

I opened my eyes looking into the dark
making goals and plans one after another
like blowing a balloon
Eventually it's gonna explode

imposter whispered "Yes, yes, yes I will give you the way of peace and love, as long as you get your goals done"

I opened my eyes looking into the dark
I am looking for where I belong
I went among the people with the same complexion
But I can't find the connection
I left the familiar
I gathered with the strangers of different colors
I went to the furthest from home

"Yes, yes, yes I will give you the way  of peace and love
as long as you meet them and be one of them"
I went to one place and another
I thought I had found it
I thought I had found who I am
I thought I had found where I belong
I thought I had found it... Daddy, I thought I had joined you
I thought my problems were gonna go away

But the insecurity is following me
like the shadow that I can't shake
I cannot go back when it's gone
I cannot go on no more in the dark

Shine, shine your light in the dark
Speak, speak your truth in me
I will recognize your voice
Like the sheep know their Pastor
I give you all the collection
I give you all the plans
I give you my future into your hands again
You are all I need
You prevail what you have planned
You will call and place me where You want me to be
oh Papá, I cannot hold back my praise to you no more
I praise you.

I have tried to collect all these things to feel the security
I have tried to find a place to fit in
I have been looking for a home I can stay
I cannot hold back the longing in my heart
Because silly me, the earth is not my home
I have been looking for an image for myself
I only found conflict and disappointment one after another

You said I can simply just be me
Only You know who I am and only in You I will find it
I never felt that I belong to my birth land
Yet I never found it anywhere else
You said you don't want me to find it
Just accept it
Accept this is who I am
You are where I belong


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