
Showing posts from July, 2020


I have never thought that I would have liked the book, Deuteronomy. Before reading it, I assumed that this would have been a book full of rules just like Leviticus and Numbers. But instead, it was Moses and God's narrating from how God had been leading Israel out of Egypt, their experience and incidents in the desert to the place right before entering the promised land.  This book is parallel to the situation in my life that I am going right at the gate of my promised land in life. From the beginning, God told the Israel that they'd stayed long enough at this mountain and it was time to break camp, and head up to the area outside of the land that God was going to give them. God is telling me through the verse that I have been staying in this same "place" long enough and it is time for me to pick myself up and head to the next step.  "Indeed, what other nation is so great that it has a god that compares to the Eternal our God as He is near to us whenever we call o...


The journey in the wilderness wasn't easy and the Israelites lost their faith and started complaining and wondering if it was better that they stayed back in Egypt. It is the same in my life. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been easier if I kept my old job or if I simply just found another job back then than feeling stuck here doing nothing. But God is with me and He got the promised land for me and I shall not be afraid and go back to the old way of life. 

Leviticus 20-27 Be in the presence of God

I will summarize the chapters with keywords repeated in each one.  Chapter 20 talks about rules for sexual relations. We are called to be holy and do what is right concerning to sexual relations. However, I don't see any rules talking about sex before marriage is sinful. It does mention if a man has sexual relations with another man is an detestable act. But just like the rule for having tattoos. I no longer believe that we are to observe literally every rule in the Old Testament.  Chapter 21: Priests were called to be holy to the point that God ordered them to marry virgins only. This is misogynistic. I really believe this is a man made rule.  Chapter 22: It's mainly about food offering and some rules regarding what is considered impure. Chapter 23: It's emphasizing the importance of sabbath and sacred assemblies. I think they signify that we are called to be in fellowship with connection to God and to put aside our works and to be fully present.  Chapter 24: I stru...